The Patton Homestead is the only place in Hamilton with direct access to the Ipswich River, part of the Essex County Greenbelt.
Walkers, hikers, and environmentalists are welcome to walk the trails. Birders and kyakers can access the river from the Patton Homestead Boat Ramp, located on the north side of the property.
Kayaks and canoes are welcome all year long.
A pressure-treated deck is built right into the river - perfect for memorable sunsets speckled with scintillating conversation.
Individuals and scholars are also welcome to walk the grounds that provided inspiration, comfort and solace to two of America’s greatest generals during some of the most tumultuous times in U.S. history.
In the winter the slope is a perfect gentle sledding hill for young children and is already easily accessible from the lower parking lot on the front field.